5 Ways to Support Your Body from Seasonal Threats

Tackling Seasonal Threats

The beauty of spring brings such joy to our hearts after a long bleak winter. Where there were barron grays and browns, colors begin to fill the world as the ground warms and trees and flowers come to life. Along with the beauty of spring comes pollen irritating our respiratory system, bringing on the sneezing, watery noses and itchy eyes that have so many reaching for a quick fix in the form of a pill or a spray. But nature can often supply us with remedies that help without the potential for side effects that medications bring with them. Here are 5 top ways to help support your body from seasonal threats. 

  1. Diet. First and foremost, I always come back to our diet! Just about every health topic comes back to eating an anti-inflammatory diet. Caring for your body with nutrient-dense foods gives your immune system the ability to repair itself, bringing it back into balance to fight off common allergies in your environment. Things to consider are sticking to a whole foods diet, especially dark leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, onions and garlic, which contain compounds like quercetin that boost your immune system to help quell reactions. Ensuring you’re getting good probiotics to help establish a happy microbiome is essential. Variety is key here. I supplement and add probiotic foods like sauerkraut, kimchi and miso soup.
  1. Nettles. Mother nature provides us with nettles in the spring. Besides being nutrient-dense, research has shown it can help reduce and inhibit some of the inflammatory factors that can trigger a flare-up in allergies. I have the privilege of having this wonderful herb growing in an old wheelbarrow, but you can easily purchase the tea or tincture online.
  1. Local honey. There have been several studies that show that local honey decreases allergy symptoms. As bees collect pollen from flowers locally, this gets into the honey you eat and “immunizes” your system. In addition, it contains many enzymes that support overall immune function, which helps with allergy relief. You can read more here if you are like me and love the research. 
  1. Ayurveda practices. I often turn to Ayurveda for answers on how to support my health and remedy. It is common practice in Ayurveda to use a neti pot. Many people make it a daily practice. Neti pots have been helping improve the quality of life of people who suffer from respiratory issues for hundreds of years. It is the simple practice of filling a special small pot with a spout (it looks like Aladdin’s lamp to me) and pouring it through your nostrils. You are virtually irrigating or washing out the debris from your nostril.
  1. Indoor air purifiers. Keeping our outer environment free from dust and pollen particles can curb sniffles and sneezes. Indoor air purifiers can trap dust and pollen from the air, making it easier to breathe and less likely to cause a reaction. People often don’t realize that the chemicals can also cause reactions in the cleaning products they use, especially things that have artificial fragrances. Don’t be fooled by labels that say they contain essential oils. Often these still include fragrances and perfumes, so read your labels. Cleaning with essential oils can positively affect our respiratory system, especially when using oils like eucalyptus and ravintsara and citrus oils are great to clean with for effectiveness and a fresh scent. And speaking of essential oils, diffusing oils throughout the home can effectively decrease reactions. 

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