How to Make Changes That Stick! 

ChangeOur mindset and nature to protect our comfort zone are very strong, so to achieve those goals, your desire has to be stronger than the comfort zone. The desire for a permanent change from our current weight, work-out routine, or chaos, whatever that goal is. You have to be strong enough to adapt, set new standards, and stay the course to achieve those goals. The word that comes to mind is commitment!


Break down your ultimate goals into smaller steps. Whether you want to run your first 5K, release 20 pounds, or declutter your house, setting small attainable goals that keep you on track and boost your confidence. The satisfaction of checking off what you accomplished will keep you moving forward. Breaking 20 lbs down in 5 lb increments, that 5k into half-mile increases or decluttering one room at a time will set you up for success and lessen any feelings of overwhelm.


Create a vision and track your progress. Seeing that vision and goal will keep you on track. Write down the goal AND WHY you want to achieve it. If it is a weight you want to lose, write down why you want to lose that weight. Is it to be more active with your children, reduce the risk of chronic disease, or increase your focus and energy. Creating a vision of what you want, seeing your end goal can keep you focused. Have you ever made a vision board?


Be Accountable. Finding a partner or coach can make a difference. Though I exercise most days, I wanted to take my consistency up a notch. I joined a challenge 25 in 25, exercise for 25 minutes for 25 days. It was a fun way to push myself even on those occasional days that I just was not really in the mood. Hey, it happens! Accountability also helps with commitment. When you have someone on the other end to be accountable to, you are less likely to blow things off.


Create a Reward System. Companies create incentives when their employees achieve their goals, so why not create your own reward system. If you want to clean out the closets to make more freedom in your space, reward yourself with a new pair of yoga pants or hiking shoes. One of my favorites is to reward myself with a facial, massage, or these days a long hot bath.


Be kind to yourself. We are always hardest on ourselves. Realize that if you fall off track from your resolution, your commitment does not mean you should throw it away. Yes, New Years is a great time to start new things. But each new sunrise, each new day is an opportunity to HAVE A GREAT DAY!


If you are looking for some extra support and accountability as you strive to reach your wellness goals, or you would like to learn how doTERRA products can be the tools to help support you both physically and emotionally let’s talk.  Set up a consultation so you can learn more.