One Bad Apple

Apple watchI have always gone by the adage “never say never,” but sometimes I am confident that there are things I will NEVER do. One thing is to wear an Apple watch, a Fit Bit, or any other “smart” device on my wrist. Besides for my fashion sense, screaming NOOOOO!!! I have a problem with these devices from a wellness standpoint.

Have you ever heard the expression that everything is energy! I have been considering this concept a lot as of late. As COVID continues to disrupt our planet, there seem to be so many different emotional energies, such as fear and anxiety central to everything. I have wondered about some of the things that can affect our energy, or it is referred to, vibration. And this brings me to the one apple I will continue to avoid, which is an Apple watch. It concerns me to see so many people are always connected to a device. People are interrupted by texts and phone calls, very Dick Tracy like but also very disruptive. Of even more significant concern to me is that these watches consistently expose the wearer to EMF radiation.

Sure, as a health coach, I talk about what we eat and making sure we get exercise. Some will even try to convince me that these smart devices help them keep track of their steps, so they know they are getting enough exercise; these are some of the problems as I see it.

Being constantly connected. In the big scheme of wellness, these devices affect our brains and create addictive patterns. Like Pavlov’s dog, we are taught to react to every ping, buzz, and vibration. I feel a loss of contentedness when I am talking to someone and they are forever responding to their wrist. Even if they don’t answer, the flash or buzz is distracting to me and interrupts my train of thinking. For heaven’s sake, let’s get back to talking to people and being fully present when doing so. Now more then ever, when we have no choice but to connect via zoom, taking a break from our devices is essential. Certainly, use your devices when you need them, but ask yourself, do I need to have one on my wrist?

There is more and more evidence that continually being exposed to EMF radiation can harm our health. There will always be mixed information out there, but as you look at studies, consider who is conducting them. In a peer-reviewed study published by NISCAIR-CSIR, India, researchers concluded that “Health endpoints reported to be associated with RF include childhood leukemia, brain tumors, genotoxic effects, neurological effects, and neurodegenerative diseases, immune system deregulation, allergic and inflammatory responses, infertility and some cardiovascular effects.” Studies show that constant use of our devices can cause Fatigue, Headaches, Mood Swings, Heart Arrhythmia, Respiratory Issues, Fertility Issues, Digestive Issues, Memory Problems, Sleep Issues.

In a world that we rely on technology to stay connected, we need to also connect with ourselves. Here are some suggestions to get unplugged.

Make it a no device rule during mealtime. My family has a no device rule during meals. Ya, I may miss a picture to post about my dining experience, but we have come to enjoy this as our time in our busy lives. No watches, no phones, no computers. When you eat… eat. If you are alone, play some music in the background. If you are fortunate to be with others, have a conversation without distraction.

Walking in nature has many health benefits—exercise, fresh air, and increasing your microbiome, to name a few. Walking without devices can be meditative. Use your senses to experience things around you. Focus on each sense. Feel the wind, the sun. Smell the grass, the trees. What do you see? What do you hear? You can’t experience nature in the same way if you are wrist is buzzing every few minutes.

Those of you who can not live without your Apple Watch, keep it in airplane mode at least part of the day. And for goodness sake, keep yourself healthy by eating lots of apples instead of wearing them!

Great health starts with what you put in, on, and around your body. Let’s talk. Set up a 30-minute strategy session to learn how you can live your healthiest most vibrant life.