It sure ain’t easy being green!! But it’s worth it!

28 years ago I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, one of the MANY autoimmune issues that seem to be increasing not only in occurrence but in type. This diagnosis would be the catalyst that sent me on a journey of self-healing! Changing my lifestyle and learning to use tools to help my body heal. Now notice I used the word heal, not cure… There is no cure. This diagnosis will lurk ready to rear its head at any time.  I discovered THIS last year. After almost 25 years without a flare-up, my decision to throw caution to the wind, and indulge in way too much wheat, dairy, alcohol and sugar, and wham there I was back on the colitis train. This time, however, besides for the bowel symptoms (I will spare you the details), I also was experiencing muscle and joint pain, my guess is this is related to other autoimmune things going on in my body! The truth of the matter is that most autoimmune begins with an imbalance in the gut! AND all of it has to do with inflammation. (More to come on inflammation in the future.)

Well, my friends, it was time to really look at what I was doing and go back to making changes. As of December 8th, I have been gluten-free, dairy-free, alcohol-free, caffeine-free and mostly sugar-free. I am in the throws of a doTERRA 30 day cleanse and I can say my discomfort has decreased SIGNIFICANTLY, my colitis is back under control, my energy improved, my mood and sleep have improved. I am using my oils and supplements as tools to help me ease discomfort, support my immune system and decrease stress.

It is not easy to sit there while your friends are indulging in Whole Foods Mud cake and say no thank you. Seltzer has become my drink of choice when out and an occasional mock-tail feels decadent.  I discovered Simple Kneads a truly healthy gluten-free bread that does not read… tapioca starch, potato starch, corn starch… you get the picture. Cause gluten-free does not mean healthy.

No, it sure ain’t easy. But for those of us who have seen what different changes in our diet and lifestyle can make, who have been empowered with natural tools to help ease the discomfort,  it certainly is worth it.

If you are ready to make the changes necessary to take control of your symptoms, to learn the tools to support your body’s natural healing and to ease the discomfort then let’s talk!