The Power of Metabolism

DMK Metabolism Assets

Have you ever heard someone say “my metabolism slowed down when I hit 40”? Maybe you have said that yourself.  You might have heard someone say they have a fast or slow metabolism. But what is metabolism and what are the factors that affect it? Simply put metabolism means that your body can digest and absorb nutrients from the food that you eat without unhealthy spikes in blood sugar, blood fat, inflammation, and insulin. Metabolism is the chemical reaction that changes food into energy for our cells. Our cells need this energy to power us in life, this energy is the foundation for everything, from moving to thinking to growing to aging. Your metabolism constantly your body with energy for essential body functions like breathing and digestion. Each body needs a minimum number of calories (the basal metabolic rate or BMR) to sustain these basic functions, but beyond the needs for basic functions, our metabolism has an effect on our body composition including muscle and weight distribution, energy levels, and even our cognitive performance. , There are many factors that can affect metabolisms, such as sex and age, muscle mass, and physical activity.. You cannot change your age, sex, or your genes. But you can modify your diet, gut microbiome, weight, sleep, and exercise, and you can address your stress and mental health. As researcher study ways to affect the ever-growing population of individuals with inadequate metabolic performance, they are discovering a number of cofacters that can help tip the scale in the right direction .  Even with the best intentions, the majority of Americans are struggling with metabolic slowdown. I have seen estimates from 6.8% to 12.2% of Americans have an optimal metabolic function. That is a whole lot of us who are out there struggling with health conditions affected by slowed metabolism such as high cholesterol, increase blood sugar, ineffective thyroid function and so much more. Our lifestyles have changed, our food sources have changed and we steep in toxins from personal care and household products! But this can change here are 5 tips to help you improve your metabolic function! 

  1. You can never bypass the need for a healthy diet. Whole foods, unprocessed and in season are going to go a long way to help us maintain a healthy metabolism and feed our cells what they need to function optimally
  2. Move it move it move it.. Our sedentary lifestyles have hurt us in so many ways. Find ways to add movement throughout your day. My newest favorite is to blast some music and dance while playing tug with my dog. Where can you add a short walk, stretch, or a few static exercises? In your day
  3. Removing toxins … Yes they are unavoidable but you can decrease them by using natural products. Not only does this help your body but has an effect on our environment. This is an area I rely on my essential oils to help get the job done.. You would be amazed at how a little vinegar and lemon oil can clean up a mess!
  4. Manage your stress. That flight or fight reaction is innate. Though we are not avoiding tigers in the wild any longer, we are avoiding fender-benders, running late for appointments, managing careers, and kids,  aging parents the list is long. Finding time to breathe and meditate for even 5 minutes can make a difference. This is another area I use lots of oils. Calming Lavender or tulsi, Grounding cypress or sandalwood. 
  5. Supplements! More and more studies are finding that quality supplements not only help to fill in the gaps created by our changing food systems but certain cofactors such as collagen, NMN, Resveratrol, and mulberry extract can help to support the body in optimizing metabolism. 

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